BrightEyes-TTM Mainboard

(based on Kintex-7 evaluation board)

BrightEyes-TTM is based on a commercially available and low cost field-programmable-gate-array (FPGA) evaluation Board (Fig.1), equipped with a state-of-the-art FPGA (the Kintex 7, XC7K325T-2FFG900C) and a series of I/Os connectors granting an easy interface of the board with the laser scanning microscope controller, the detector(s) and the personal computer.

Xilinx® FPGA Kintex-7 KC705 Evaluation Board

The BrightEyes-TTM project has been designed, synthesed and implementated with the software Xilinx Vivado 2017.4 more info Xilinx Vivado Design Suite. After having downloaded and installed Vivado Design Suite (Xilinx FPGA Programming software environment) the Xilinx FPGA evaluation card can be directly programmed with a precompiled firmware available here below. The source code VHDL/Verilog is available on the GitHub repository BrightEyes-TTM FPGA VHDL/Verilog code

Xilinx FPGA Board

Fig.1 - Xilinx FPGA Board

BrightEyes-TTM Firmware

The current firmware (.bit files) ready to flash the Xilinx KC705 Kintex-7 Evaluation board are available here:

Legacy firmware:

If you want modify the project or you want know more about the BrightEyes-TTM firmware design see the BrightEyes-TTM FPGA architecture.