Data Receiver

There are two version of the BrightEyes-TTM data receiver. The “Old Protocol” version for the firmware (v1.0) and the “New Protocol” version for the firmware (v2.0). The data receiver the libraries libusb and save the stream of data from USB 3.0 to a raw file. We suggest to use the Linux version but it is available also a Windows porting. Link to the folder in the repository dataReceiver.

DataReceiver Linux


sudo apt-get install libusb-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev

How to compile?

(Legacy Protocol - Bright-TTM firmware v1.0)
gcc "dataReceiver.c" -O2 -g `pkg-config libusb-1.0 --libs --cflags`  -lpthread -o "dataReceiver"
("new" Protocol - Bright-TTM firmware >=v2.0)
gcc "dataReceiver-newProt.c" -O2 -g `pkg-config libusb-1.0 --libs --cflags`  -lpthread -o "dataReceiver-newProt"

How to run?

The software crash if the subfolder data/ is it not present in the folder where the dataReceiver is executed. Create the data/ folder:

mkdir data

Then you can run

(Legacy Protocol - Bright-TTM firmware v1.0)


("new" Protocol - Bright-TTM firmware >=v2.0)

Fig. The dataReceiver-newProt running in Linux

DataReceiver Windows (only firmware v1.0)

The DataReceiverW is the porting of the DataReceiver for Linux to Windows. It based on the libusb-win32 driver and it is in an experimental phase. The installation of the libusb-win32 drivers can be done with the tool Zadig. It is a software that allows to install and to switch different drivers on the USB devices in Windows. It can be downloaded the site .

How to install libusb-32 driver in Windows 10


Select in the menu Options –> List All Devices


Select in the list of devices FX3


Select in the scrollbox libusb-win32 and click on “Replace Driver” and wait for the installation


Now the libusb-win32 drivers should be correctly installed.

How to run DataReceiverW


The dataReceiverW.exe executable file is present in the repository at the following link dataReceiverW (v1) and dataReceiverW-newProt (v2). It is a command-line interface CLI software, so it is suggested to run into a Command Prompt (cmd.exe). To run correctly the dataReceiverW needs the library libpthread.dll and libusb-1.0.dll. The software crash if the subfolder data\ is it not present in the folder where the dataReceiverW is executed.