Welcome to BrightEyes-TTM’s documentation!
The BrightEyes-TTM is an open-source project which consists in a data-acquisition card able to implement the so-called photon time-tagging acquisition mode with a time resolution of ~30ps designed for microscopy and based on a commercial FPGA Xilinx Kintex-7.
The BrightEyes-TTM project born as an offshoot of the BrighEyes project founded by the ERC in 2018 (Consolidator Grant, N. 818699). The principal aim of the BrightEyes-TTM project is to give to any microscopy laboratory the possibility to implement and further develop single-photon microscopy. The second aim is to trigger the interest of the microscopy community, and establish the BrigthEyes-TTM as a new standard for single-photon laser scanning microscopy (LSM) experiments.
The BrightEyes-TTM as an open-source time-tagging module for democratising single-photon microscopy. Rossetta, A., Slenders, E., Donato, M. et al. Nature Communications 13, 7406 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-35064-0
There are two version of BrightEyes-TTM. The article on arXiv is referred to the version v1.0, the article published on Nature Communications is refered to the version v2.0.
Content-enriched fluorescence lifetime fluctuation spectroscopy to study bio-molecular condensate formation (2023) E. Perego, S. Zappone, et al. bioRxiv 2023.06.09.544221; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.06.09.544221
It uses BrightEyes-TTM technology.